Zen Shiatsu

 This method is based  on a sensitive and energetic approach, we work on the meridians and acupuncture points by applying slow and deep pressure on the body in association with gentle stretching. The pressure is adapted to the sensitivities of each person. The practitioner helps people to maintain or regain a balance on the physical, emotional and psychological levels. It is an art that takes all its value in prevention- Balancing body and mind to avoid unnecessary suffering. Aimed at all ages, individuals, communities and companies.                        


Benefits are numerous :
physical and psychological relaxation - muscle and joint pain and tension - tendinitis - stress - relaxation - regulate the digestive  and nervous systems -depression - fatigue - balance the energy system as a whole to maintain vitality - relieve discomfort and digestive disorders - stimulate the blood and lymphatic circulation - strengthen the body's self-defense system (immunity) - prevention and follow-up to avoid imbalance 

Practice on futon

That is the traditional practice for this art. You are laying fully clothed on the futon mattress which is on the floor. The Shiatsuki (practitioner) moves around the jusha (receiver) on all fours to accomplish the different movements.  Enables all kinds of stretches and mobilisations.
This practice is no longer provided

Practice on massage table 

Perfect for persons who cannot lean on the floor, table shiatsu is very interesting. Movements and stretches are adapted for this method.
Session lasts 45 min - schedule 1h15 (discussion before and after session)
Price for adults 48€ in office til end September- 60€  in house visits within 25km radius

Practice on chair

The anatomic chair is used mostly for the elderly or persons with little flexibility.
Often used for shorter  sessions, mainly concerning back and shoulder problems.
Movements used are specific to this practice method but not reduced to back massage  only. 
Session lasts 30 min - schedule 50 min (discussion before and after session)     
Price for adults 36€ til end Septembre in office- 50€ in house visit within 25 km radius


Kids 8-18 ans can shiatsu too

30 min session - schedule 45 min - Price 30€ til end September in office- 50€ in house visits within 25km radius

Do not hesitate to call me to see if shiatsu would suit your needs or which practice will be best for you- 07 65 58 47 97